Is your business data in jeopardy?

Posted June 13, 2023

Uptech advises against gambling with outdated technology

Are you the kind of person who simply deletes data and discards old computers or external drives? If so, you might be unknowingly exposing your sensitive information to risk.

According to a recent study conducted by a data recovery specialist, millions of deleted files can be retrieved from improperly wiped hard drives that are sold online.

The danger doesn’t just lie with the purchasers of these devices. Cybercriminals frequently acquire used hard drives in an attempt to retrieve valuable data, ranging from confidential business information to client details.

When you’re caught up in the excitement of obtaining new, shiny technology, it’s easy to forget about the data stored on those old drives. However, before selling or disposing of them, it’s essential to consider their contents.

Even if your drive is encrypted, there’s still a possibility that data can be recovered. Additionally, damaged drives may still contain salvageable information. It’s better to err on the side of caution when it comes to safeguarding sensitive data.

Think about it this way: Would you leave important documents lying around for anyone to see? Absolutely not! Your digital information deserves the same level of protection.

So, what steps can you take to shield yourself from these risks?

First and foremost, don’t allow your old hard drives to become a liability. Take the time to ensure they are properly wiped or destroyed before disposal. When upgrading your hardware, consider enlisting the assistance of a professional to handle the data transfer and ensure your old devices are thoroughly cleansed.

This isn’t solely about safeguarding your own interests. It’s about protecting your employees, clients, and anyone whose personal information might be stored on those old drives.

Investing in proper data protection measures is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes from knowing your information is shielded from prying eyes.

Don’t take chances with your data—take action to protect it:

  1. Properly wipe or destroy old hard drives.
  2. Seek professional assistance for your hardware upgrades.
  3. Enhance your overall security practices.

If you want some help, advice or more, contact us today.