Unveiling 5 Free AI Courses by Microsoft

Posted December 26, 2023

Enhance Your Skills this Festive Season

‘Tis the season to unwrap the gift of knowledge! Amidst the festive cheer, take a moment to consider maximizing your downtime by embracing the AI revolution that’s set to shape 2024. The realm of AI is expanding rapidly, reshaping industries, and redefining business strategies globally. PwC predicts AI could contribute up to £12 trillion to the global economy by 2030, highlighting the immense potential it holds.

Microsoft brings you five exceptional free courses on AI, offering an invaluable opportunity to bolster your skills during this holiday season.

1. An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Start at the foundation with this course catering to individuals of all technical backgrounds. Gain a comprehensive understanding of AI and its potential business applications.

Course Link: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

2. What is Generative AI?

Once you’ve grasped the basics, delve into the world of generative AI. Explore its mechanisms, models, and implications for innovation and creativity within your business.

Course Link: What is Generative AI?

3. Generative AI: The Evolution of Thoughtful Online Search

Enhance your online search capabilities by comprehending AI-driven reasoning engines. Learn to leverage AI to revolutionize your business’s efficiency.

Course Link: Generative AI: The Evolution of Thoughtful Online Search

4. Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Bing Chat

Discover the potential of AI-powered chatbots in transforming customer service and streamlining tasks for a superior user experience.

Course Link: Streamlining Your Work with Microsoft Bing Chat

5. Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Navigate the ethical considerations of AI usage. Ensure your business aligns with ethical principles while leveraging the power of AI.

Course Link: Ethics in the Age of Generative AI

Make the most of your festive downtime to broaden your skill set, boost efficiency, build customer trust, and unlock new opportunities. Though relaxation is crucial, invest a moment in these courses during the tranquil period between Christmas and New Year – a rewarding investment of your time.

So, what are you waiting for? Oh, right, the turkey… Embrace the chance to elevate your skills and stay ahead in the AI-driven future. Got questions? Get in touch with us.